...νῆα μὲν ἔνθ᾿ ἐλθόντες ἐκέλσαμεν, ἐκ δὲ τὰ μῆλα εἱλόμεθ': αὐτοὶ δ᾿ αὖτε παρὰ ῥόον Ὠκεανοῖο ᾔομεν, ὄφρ᾿ ἐς χῶρον ἀφικόμεθ᾿, ὃν φράσε Κίρκη...
... αἱ δ᾿ ἀγέροντο ψυχαὶ ὑπὲξ Ἐρέβευς νεκύων κατατεθνηώτων.νύμφαι τ᾿ ἠίθεοί τε πολύτλητοί τε γέροντες παρθενικαί τ᾿ ἀταλαὶ νεοπενθέα θυμὸν ἔχουσαι...
...as here we arrived we left the ship, took the sheaps out and moved close to the Ocean's costs, until we arrived at the place that Kirki had suggeseted...
...from the darkness below, innumerable souls of dead came up and gathered around: shortly married girls and tortured old men, young daughters in fresh pain and complaints ...
Rhapsody Λ, Nekia
Arriving at the outfalls of Aheron river, we will leave our "ship" back in Amoudia likewise. From this point a boatman (and not Haron himself!) will take you up against the river close to the Nekromanteion (Oracle of deads). A 20' hike will take you to the archaeological place and afterwards you will take the way back for the boat.
Some information about the Oracle
The Oracle of Aheron is mentioned many times in Ancient Greek Mythology and Literature. Indicatively, it has been visited from Orpheus, Hercules and Oddyseus. The purpose of the Oracle was to relate people with the souls in Ades (Dead World) through ceremonies and the ministers. The visitors, under the guidance of the ministers, followed specific diet and undertook psychological healing for the ceremony. Later, they would promise for keeping secret of the procedure and ceremony they followed.